Nutrition & Metabolism Lesson 101: Simple Demonstrations To Understand the Concepts

Science Tuition Classes Singapore

There is a plethora of scientific concepts behind the food we make, eat and process in our bodies. In the preliminary chapters of your science textbooks, you may find one or two chapters dedicated to the concepts of nutrition and metabolism.

Understanding them is fundamental for grasping how our bodies function and maintain health. At our science tuition classes, students get a comprehensive explanation of these topics.

But we believe that the best understanding happens with the most efficient demonstrations. In this blog, we give you a quick insight about nutrition and metabolism while enumerating a few examples to demonstrate the topics for improved learning experience.

What is Nutrition?

In layman’s terms, nutrition involves consumption and utilisation of food substances essential for growth, energy and maintaining body functions. The key nutrients that play vital role in our body are —

  1. Carbohydrates – Provide energy.
  2. Proteins – Build and repair tissues.
  3. Fats – Store energy and insulate the body.
  4. Vitamins and Minerals – Support various bodily functions.
  5. Water – Essential for hydration and various physiological processes.

What is Metabolism?

Metabolism is a process that encompasses all the chemical reactions happening within the body to maintain life. The process can be diversified into two broad categories —

  1. Catabolism – Break down of molecules to absorb energy.
  2. Anabolism – Synthesis of complex molecules from simpler ones, which consume energy.

Demonstration Ideas for Nutrition

#1 Testing for Carbohydrates

Materials that you need for the demonstration are:

  • Iodine solution
  • Different food samples (e.g. potato, bread, etc.)
  • Dropper


  1. Place a small piece of food sample on a plate. 
  2. Add a few drops of iodine solution to each sample.
  3. Observe the change of colour. The food samples that change into blue-black colour signifies the presence of starch (a type of carbohydrate).


The reaction of starch with iodine forms a blue-black complex which demonstrates the presence of carbohydrate in the food samples.

#2 Protein Test with Biuret Reagent

Materials that are needed for this demonstration are:

  • Biuret reagent
  • Food samples (e.g., egg white, milk, meat)
  • Test tubes


  1. Place a small amount of each food sample in separate test tubes.
  2. Add Biuret reagent to each test tube.
  3. Shake gently and observe a change in colour. A purple or violet colour indicates the presence of proteins.


The Biuret reagent reacts with peptide bonds in proteins, changing colour to purple, which indicates protein content.

Demonstration Ideas for Metabolism

#1 Yeast Respiration Experiment

Materials that are needed to conduct this experiment are –

  • Dry yeast
  • Sugar
  • Warm water
  • Balloon
  • Flask or bottle


  1. Mix a teaspoon of sugar and a teaspoon of dry yeast in warm water in the flask or bottle.
  2. Stretch the balloon over the opening of the flask/bottle.
  3. Observe the balloon over time as it inflates.


The yeast metabolises the sugar, producing carbon dioxide gas as a byproduct of respiration. This gas inflates the balloon, demonstrating cellular respiration and energy production.

#2 Simple Calorimetry Experiment

You will need the following materials for the experiment:

  • Food samples (e.g., nut, marshmallow)
  • Metal can
  • Water
  • Thermometer
  • Lighter


  1. Fill the metal can with a measured amount of water.
  2. Measure the initial temperature of the water.
  3. Burn the food sample beneath the can, allowing the heat to transfer to the water.
  4. Measure the final temperature of the water.


The increase in water temperature shows the energy released from the food sample when it is burned. This energy is a measure of the caloric content of the food.


Demonstration of nutrition and metabolism can be expertly done even with the simplest of experiments. These are some of the ways you can help students understand how they work and visualise the way the nutrients and metabolism process works.

If you want fun and engaging science tuition classes that help interactive examples like these then join us at Miracle Learning Centre. Reach out to us to learn more on what we offer.